Authors: Dr Sue Rosen, Dr Roy Lumby, Liz Gorman
Client: Private Client
The client wished to construct a contemporary free-standing residence and demolish a single car garage on the site of Lot 39 DP 8274, located at 1B Pritchard Street Wentworth Falls. We were pleased to compile a HIS, required due to the vacant lot's vicinity near a listed heritage item "Kubba Kundi".
The vacant lot is located in the part of Edward Dougherty’s 30-acres acquired on 5th January 1857. On the opposite side of the road was George Matcham Pitt’s 40 acres and William Boyles’ 100 acres, which housed the Weatherboard Inn. Edward Stedman was the first proprietor of now 1B Pritchard Street. He was responsible for commissioning the design and construction of Kubba Kundi and was a warden at Holy Trinity Church, Wentworth Falls, for many years and parochial nominator for some years. He and his family are representative of the professional and business classes who were drawn to Wentworth Falls in the first third of the twentieth century.