Author: Dr Sue Rosen
Client: Private Client
We prepared this Heritage Impact Statement to support the clinet's development proposal for alterations and additions to their single-storey residence at 30 Oxley Drive, Bowral, which is adjacent to a heritage item.
The land that 30 Oxley Drive, Bowral occupies was part of 5000 acres of Crown land originally offered to famed surveyor-general, John Oxley for purchase on the 14th May 1825. After John Oxley's protracted and untimley decline, Macquarie gifted 5000 acres in the Wingecarribee area to his sons, John Norton Oxley and Henry Molesworth Oxley. Both brothers served as Members of Parliament and Justices of the Peace. Henry was also appointed the Coroner for Berrima.
No. 30 Oxley Drive (Lot 3 DP 547194) was purchased by Laurence Clifton Gilbert of Cronulla, a maintenance bricklayer, and Jean, his wife in August 1971. The residence at the study site is believed to have been built in the early-mid 1970s.