Authors: Dr Sue Rosen, Dr Noni Boyd, Liz Gorman
Client: Robertson & Hindmarsh Architects
We provided a documentary history of nos. 53 and 55 Drumalbyn Road in order for our client to assess the heritage significance of the properties against the assessment criteria of the Heritage Council of NSW.
The study site was sold to Alexander Algie of Vaucluse on the 29th October 1928. Algie’s land came with two building caveats;
…shall not erect or permit to be erected on the land above described any main building other than one constructed of brick and/or stone and/or other material approved by the said Company and shall not erect a main building of less than then value of five hundred pounds or any pair of semi-detached main buildings of less than the value of nine hundred pounds and shall not construct any main roof of any such buildings of iron…
…no buildings or erections to be built or erected upon the land hereby transferred shall exceed a greater height than within ten feet of the level of the verandah at the cottage on the land at the rear…