Authors: Dr Sue Rosen & Liz Gorman
Client: Thomas Hotels
Penshurst Hotel, and the suburb of Penshurst, are located on land originally granted to Dr Robert Townson, a scholar, in 1810. After Dr Townson's death in 1827, his land was sold in 1830 to John Connell. The landholdings became known as Connels Brush and settlement in the area remained slow.
During the 1920's, development picked up, and by the late 1920's and early 30's many hotels dotted the main streeets. The Penshurst Hotel was constructed during the summer of 1929-1930, and was purchased by Tooth and Co. soon after. Copeman and Lemont architects designed the hotel, their interwar-functionalist style designs becoming emblematic of the resurgence of 'new hotels' during the period.
It has undergone various phases of refurbishment in response to changing customer expectaions, so our client's historically sympathetic minor alterations fit within the narrative of the building.