Authors: Dr Sue Rosen and Liz Gorman
Client: Marlow Hotel Group
Our team prepared this Heritage Impact Statement to support the proposed alterations to the principal facades of the heritage listed Royal Hotel, which aim to freshen the appearance and visual coherence of the hotel, without impacting on the significant exterior fabric and detailing. Non-original elements will be removed and original features will be reinstated in a historically sympathetic manner.
Contemporary with the foundation of the modern-‐day suburb of Carlton was the opening of the first (on a different site) Royal Hotel in 1888. However, by the 1920s the hotel had fallen on hard times with frequent incidents of drunkenness. The Royal Hotel building standing today was completed in 1936 for Tooth and Co., designed by architects Prevost and Ruwald, on a site which previously housed about four shops occupied by a dentist, draper, shoe seller and sweet shop.
A number of alterations were completed over the 1950s and 1960s to suit changing patron expectations and upgrade the pre-‐war technology.