
Russell Workman

Russell Workman

Russell's earliest professional photography was performed in his role as photographer for the Department of Navy’s Technical and Public Relations unit at Garden Island Dockyard, from January 1967 until mid December 1969. This involved everything photographic including public relations, industrial photography and naval surveillance photography. Russell then became a photographer for the Department of Illustration at the University of Sydney, working there from late 1969 until early 1986. He gained extensive experience with every type of photography required by all university departments and faculties; from Art to Zoology.


From early 1986 until end of 2007 Russell was the full-time photographer for both the Nicholson Museum and the Department of Archaeology at University of Sydney.


Photography included not only museum and archaeological photography on campus and around Sydney; but also several overseas trips for a total of eight months; photographing and videoing archaeological digs in Greece and Jordan.


Since 2007 he has concentrated on archaeology and heritage photography, mostly for Heritage and Achaeology consulting firms and government entities such as Municipal Councils, the Australian Museum, etc.